Roe Park

Roe Park

Updated Post: September 28, 2021 Originally Published: August 12, 2016 Roe Park is located at 104th and Roe Ave, in Overland Park, Kansas. This park is a large community park at 40 acres with many fun things to choose from. There are spray grounds, playgrounds, sports...

Amazon Prime Day 2024

I look forward to Prime Day to get a jump start on my Christmas and holiday shopping, but I am always careful to not get into the hype to overspend either. Links might pay me some but at no extra cost to you. Only going to recommend stuff I think is still a good deal....
Field Station Dinosaurs

Field Station Dinosaurs

You will find Field Station Dinosaurs just south of Wichita in Derby, Kansas. It is located on about ten acres. You will see it as you are driving up you can’t miss those dinos. I wasn’t sure what to expect showing up at this park. It’s like the...
Museum of World Treasures

Museum of World Treasures

The Museum of World Treasures is located in the Old Town of downtown Wichita. It is in a nice large brick building that used to be an old paper factory. There is no parking lot, there is parking on each side of the large courtyard. Just FYI there are some homeless in...
Exploration Place – Wichita, KS

Exploration Place – Wichita, KS

I just love Exploration Place, we’ve been once before with our Science City membership. One thing about memberships people forget to look at is if they give discounts or reciprocate at other places. If you are in the Wichita area, you have to check out the...

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