Merriam Historic Plaza

Merriam water feature
by Breanne

May 29, 2021

Merriam Historic Plaza is not quite what you might think it is when driving quickly by. Even though it’s under the parks area of the website, it’s not a true on park in the traditional sense of the word. Normally as you drive by, you see what anybody else would see: the building offering information on the city of Merriam. It’s not that easy to see that there is more to this area than just a visitor’s center.

The historic plaza has a nice walkway with the history of Merriam outside for all guest to enjoy. They also have beautiful flowers and two water features. The building has brochures of areas and people who can direct to you all things in the Merriam and Kansas City. They have maps, guides, and additional information to provide. I have been inside a few times and they have always been helpful. They also have a small, rentable meeting room inside for up to 30 people.

Merriam Building at Historic Plaza Fountain at Merriam Historic Plaza Wonderful landscape at Merriam Historic Plaza










This is a quick stop makes a great spot to read about local history and give your kids a taste of another smaller settlement of history for homeschooling that’s right in your backyard.

Merriam Historic Plaza


Check out other parks in the Merriam area.


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