Easter is right around the corner. Getting a gift for our kids or baskets I hate do too much candy. So today I am showing you some of my favorite Easter and Spring books. These aren’t just good for this year but for years to come. We love reading around here and...
Christmas is approaching! In a year where nothing is expected and nothing seems to turn out as we would want it, the one thing that I am not letting go of is the magic of Christmas. What Christmas Means To Me Now, I can go all into the history of Christmas, but most...
Did you know about Watermelon Day? Ah, the watermelon, a sure sign that summer is here. Those great big green spheres of goodness are the subject of an age-old argument about whether it is a fruit or a vegetable. The easy answer is just a flat yes. They are in the...
Make It An Explosive Fourth With These Free Coloring Pages! The Fourth of July is tomorrow! It is the day that represents our freedom and independence from the British. I am thankful for our country today and always. If we would not declare our independence and won...
Amazing Backyard Science Experiments This past week we did a 3 day lesson with my aunt’s church through SBO. This year, since stay at home orders make it difficult to do the traditional camps and programs, her church made a kit for home. They came all wrapped up...
Helping Children Understand Racism I don’t even know where to start, but what I do know is our country is crying out for help. There will be no quick fixes to the problems of our world including racism. I do know we need to be teaching our children more about...