Prime Day 2023: Favorite and Must-Have Items

Prime Day 2023: Favorite and Must-Have Items

***DISCLAIMER – We are an Amazon Associate and might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Prime Day is on July 11th and 12th of this year. You have to have a Prime membership to enjoy these deals. This awesome membership includes 2-day free shipping,...
The National Museum of Transportation

The National Museum of Transportation

The National Museum of Transportation is often overlooked in St. Louis with everything else that can be found in the city, but it shouldn’t be. The museum has been open since 1944 by a group of people who acquired the Bellefontaine mule drawn street car....
Science City at Union Station in Kansas City

Science City at Union Station in Kansas City

Science City is a classic here in Kansas City and when I realized I have never let you guys know more about it I was kinda shocked! I guess it was one of those in your backyard kind of things. We would love to ask for memberships as Christmas gifts so we went a lot...
Doing Summer on a Budget

Doing Summer on a Budget

Summer is here and you want to do something fun, but your wallet and budget aren’t sure what you can afford this summer. Time to get a little more creative when planning activities for your kids. Thankfully that is how most summers before 2019 were for me. So,...
9 Fun in the Sun Disney Summer Toys

9 Fun in the Sun Disney Summer Toys

Would it even be summer if I didn’t have a list of some Disney Summer Toys for your summertime fun!? If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you know I am a fan of Walt Disney and all that he created. So it’s only fitting to include a list...

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